What was the main reason Spain built missions along Georgia’s Barrier Islands?


For launching attacks

To spread Christianity

For defensive purposes

To trade with Native Americans

To spread Christianity

The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity.

The main reason Spain built missions along Georgia's Barrier Islands was to spread Christianity. To arrive at this answer, we can start by looking at the given options and eliminating those that are less likely.

The option "For launching attacks" can be eliminated as it does not align with historical records. Spain built these missions during the 16th and 17th centuries, which was a time of exploration and colonization. While there were conflicts between different European powers during this period, the primary goal of the Spanish missions was not to launch attacks.

The option "To trade with Native Americans" can also be eliminated. While trade did occur between the Spanish and Native Americans, it was not the primary purpose of the missions. Trade would have been more focused on establishing economic and diplomatic relationships, rather than building actual missions.

The remaining options are "To spread Christianity" and "For defensive purposes." While it is true that the missions also served as a defensive measure against potential attacks by Native Americans or other European powers, the primary mission of the Spanish was to spread Christianity. The Spanish viewed the conversion of Native Americans to Christianity as a religious duty and an important aspect of their colonial strategy.

Therefore, the correct answer is "To spread Christianity."