Which of the following equations represents the total distance in miles, D, that it took the bus to travel in t hours, if the bus was driving at a rate of 30 miles per hour?


t = 30D

D = 30t

D = 30/t

t = D/30

D = 30t

The equation that represents the total distance in miles, D, that the bus traveled in t hours, if the bus was driving at a rate of 30 miles per hour, is D = 30t.

To understand how to arrive at this answer, it's important to remember that distance equals rate times time, or D = r * t. In this case, the rate of the bus is 30 miles per hour, so the equation becomes D = 30 * t.

The equation that represents the total distance in miles, D, that it took the bus to travel in t hours, if the bus was driving at a rate of 30 miles per hour is:

D = 30t