The voice that beautifies the land!

The voice above,

The voice of the thunder

Within the dark cloud

Again and again it sounds,

The voice that beautifies the land.

The voice that beautifies the land!

The voice below;

The voice of the grasshopper

Among the plants

Again and again it sounds,

The voice that beautifies the land.

—“Twelfth Song of the Thunder”

Based on the repetition in the song, is the voice from above more important to the Navajo people than the voice from below? Explain your answer in 1 – 3 sentences.

Based on the repetition in the song, it can be inferred that the voice from above is more important to the Navajo people than the voice from below. The "voice of the thunder" is mentioned first and receives more emphasis with its repeated appearance, suggesting its significance in beautifying the land.

Based on the repetition in the song, it can be inferred that the voice from above is more important to the Navajo people than the voice from below. The use of the phrase "Again and again it sounds" to describe the voice from above suggests a greater significance and prominence. Additionally, the repetition of the phrase "The voice that beautifies the land" further emphasizes the importance of the voice from above.

Based on the repetition in the song, it seems that the voice from above is presented as more important to the Navajo people than the voice from below. The repeated line "The voice that beautifies the land" is associated with the voice above, implying its significance in bringing beauty and power to the land. Meanwhile, the voice below is only mentioned once, suggesting it may have a lesser emphasis.