How much has Earth's human population increased since 1800? Answer in percentage form

Since 1800, the Earth's human population has increased by approximately 750%.

To calculate the percentage increase in the Earth's human population since 1800, we need to gather the population data for these two time points:

According to the United Nations' World Population Prospects, the estimated global population in 1800 was around 1 billion people.

As of July 2021, the estimated global population is around 7.9 billion people.

To determine the percentage increase, we can use the following formula:

((Current Population - Initial Population) / Initial Population) * 100

Substituting the values, we get:

((7.9 billion - 1 billion) / 1 billion) * 100

Simplifying the calculation:

(6.9 billion / 1 billion) * 100

6.9 * 100

The Earth's human population has increased by approximately 690% since 1800.

To determine the increase in Earth's human population since 1800 in percentage form, we need to compare the population in 1800 to the current population.

Step 1: Find the population in 1800
The current estimated population of Earth in 2021 is around 7.9 billion. Unfortunately, there is no exact record of the global population in 1800. However, according to estimates, the population in 1800 was around 1 billion people.

Step 2: Calculate the increase
To find the increase, subtract the population in 1800 from the current population:
7.9 billion - 1 billion = 6.9 billion

Step 3: Calculate the percentage increase
To calculate the percentage increase, divide the increase in population by the population in 1800 and multiply by 100:
(6.9 billion / 1 billion) * 100 = 690%

Therefore, Earth's human population has increased by approximately 690% since 1800.