Which colony's government gave the vote to all men who were property owners, including those who were not church members.

New Hampshire
Rhode Island

Connecticut's government gave the vote to all men who were property owners, including those who were not church members.

The colony's government that gave the vote to all men who were property owners, including those who were not church members, was Connecticut.

To determine which colony's government gave the vote to all men who were property owners, including those who were not church members, we can follow these steps:

1. Research the voting rights of the four colonies mentioned: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
2. Look for any specific laws or documents that outline the voting requirements for each colony during the colonial period.
3. Determine which colony allowed all men who were property owners, regardless of church membership, to have the right to vote.

Let's take a closer look at each of these colonies to find the answer:

1. Connecticut: The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, adopted in 1639, served as the colony's first written constitution. While it granted some democratic powers to citizens, it did not explicitly mention the voting rights of non-church members or property owners. However, later in 1662, the Charter of Connecticut expanded voting rights by allowing all adult male property owners to vote, regardless of church membership.

2. Maine: Maine was not an independent colony during the colonial period but was rather a part of Massachusetts. Voting rights in Massachusetts were initially limited to church members, but this requirement was gradually relaxed throughout the 17th century. To find out if Maine adopted similar voting practices, consider researching Massachusetts' voting laws during that time.

3. New Hampshire: Like Massachusetts, New Hampshire initially restricted voting rights to church members. However, the New Hampshire Constitution of 1784 removed this requirement and expanded voting rights to all adult male property owners, regardless of their church membership.

4. Rhode Island: Rhode Island has a unique history in terms of religious freedom and democratic principles. The colony was founded by Roger Williams, who advocated for religious tolerance. Rhode Island's Royal Charter of 1663 granted voting rights to all freemen, regardless of church affiliation. While property ownership was not explicitly mentioned as a requirement, it was a common practice, making it likely that property owners had the right to vote.

After reviewing the information, it can be concluded that the colony whose government gave the vote to all men who were property owners, including those who were not church members, is Rhode Island.