Match the person to their contribution to history of the New England colonies.

Anne Hutchinson John Winthrop Metacom Roger Williams Thomas Hooker Squanto William Bradford
Chief of the Wampanoag who led a war against English settlers
First governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Left Massachusetts' Bay Colony with 100 followers and built Hartford, which eventually led to the forming of Connecticut
Replaced the first governor of the Plymouth colony after he died and then led it for 36 years.
Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for questioning the Puritan church's teachings and fled to Rhode Island
Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for their views on religious tolerance and settled Rhode Island
Wampanoag native who helped the Plymouth colonist learn how to plant crops native to the land
Chief of the Wampanoag who led a war against English settlers
First governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Left Massachusetts' Bay Colony with 100 followers and built Hartford, which eventually led to the forming of Connecticut
Replaced the first governor of the Plymouth colony after he died and then led it for 36 years.
Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for questioning the Puritan church's teachings and fled to Rhode Island
Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for their views on religious tolerance and settled Rhode Island
Wampanoag native who helped the Plymouth colonist learn how to plant crops native to the land

Anne Hutchinson - Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for questioning the Puritan church's teachings and fled to Rhode Island

John Winthrop - First governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Metacom - Chief of the Wampanoag who led a war against English settlers
Roger Williams - Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for their views on religious tolerance and settled Rhode Island
Thomas Hooker - Left Massachusetts' Bay Colony with 100 followers and built Hartford, which eventually led to the forming of Connecticut
Squanto - Wampanoag native who helped the Plymouth colonist learn how to plant crops native to the land
William Bradford - Replaced the first governor of the Plymouth colony after he died and then led it for 36 years.

To match each person to their contribution to the history of the New England colonies, you can analyze the information given:

Anne Hutchinson - Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for questioning the Puritan church's teachings and fled to Rhode Island.

John Winthrop - First governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Metacom - Chief of the Wampanoag who led a war against English settlers.

Roger Williams - Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for their views on religious tolerance and settled Rhode Island.

Thomas Hooker - Left Massachusetts' Bay Colony with 100 followers and built Hartford, which eventually led to the forming of Connecticut.

Squanto - Wampanoag native who helped the Plymouth colonists learn how to plant crops native to the land.

William Bradford - Replaced the first governor of the Plymouth colony after he died and then led it for 36 years.

Please note that some names are repeated, so I have provided the correct answers based on the given information.

Anne Hutchinson - Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for questioning the Puritan church's teachings and fled to Rhode Island.

John Winthrop - First governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Metacom (also known as King Philip) - Chief of the Wampanoag who led a war against English settlers.

Roger Williams - Voted out of Massachusetts Bay Colony for their views on religious tolerance and settled Rhode Island.

Thomas Hooker - Left Massachusetts' Bay Colony with 100 followers and built Hartford, which eventually led to the forming of Connecticut.

William Bradford - Replaced the first governor of the Plymouth colony after he died and then led it for 36 years.

Squanto - Wampanoag native who helped the Plymouth colonists learn how to plant crops native to the land.