What caused the Greeks to unify in defense of their culture and way of life?(1 point)


the invasion of Corinth by Thermopylae
the invasion of Corinth by Thermopylae

the attempt of Athens to force democracy on all the poleis
the attempt of Athens to force democracy on all the poleis

the threat of the Persian Empire conquering Greece
the threat of the Persian Empire conquering Greece

the attempt by Sparta to control all of Greece

the attempt by Sparta to control all of Greece

The correct answer is:

- the threat of the Persian Empire conquering Greece.

The correct answer is: the threat of the Persian Empire conquering Greece.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the historical context and events that took place during that time. The Persian Empire, under the rule of King Xerxes I, sought to expand its territories and launched an invasion of Greece in 480 BCE.

During this invasion, the Persian forces clashed with the Greek city-states in a series of battles, including the famous Battle of Thermopylae. The Greeks recognized that the survival of their culture and way of life was at stake, motivating them to unify in defense against the Persian threat.

The invasion by the Persians posed a significant danger to the Greek city-states, as they aimed to subjugate and control Greece. This threat led the Greeks to put aside their differences and form alliances, such as the Hellenic League, under the leadership of Athens and Sparta, among other city-states.

By unifying and pooling their resources, the Greeks were able to repel the Persian invasion, leading to a sense of pride and solidarity in their shared culture and way of life. This event, known as the Persian Wars, played a crucial role in the development of Greek identity and the subsequent flourishing of Greek culture during the Classical period.