In “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” which phrase best describes the way Walter sees himself in his imaginary world?

(1 point)

thoughtful and considerate
thoughtful and considerate

angry and powerful
angry and powerful

confident and heroic

confident and heroic

Confident and heroic

To determine the phrase that best describes the way Walter sees himself in his imaginary world in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," we can analyze his actions and thoughts throughout the story. In this case, we are presented with three options: thoughtful and considerate, angry and powerful, and confident and heroic.

To get the answer, we need to examine Walter Mitty's behavior and mindset in his imaginary world. Walter is often portrayed as a daydreamer, escaping from his mundane life by creating elaborate fantasies. In his daydreams, he often takes on heroic or adventurous roles, such as a pilot, a doctor, or a war hero.

However, Walter's imagined versions of himself are not characterized by anger or power. Instead, he tends to be portrayed as thoughtful and considerate, thinking deeply about the situations he encounters and displaying empathy towards others.

Therefore, the phrase that best describes the way Walter sees himself in his imaginary world is "thoughtful and considerate."