Which of the following statements would not be a main theme in The Call of the Wild?(1 point)


Always trust your gut.
Always trust your gut.

We are driven by our ancient animal instincts.
We are driven by our ancient animal instincts.

The beast within us all will come out under the right circumstance.
The beast within us all will come out under the right circumstance.

Only the strong survive.
Only the strong survive.

Always trust your gut.

The statement "Always trust your gut" would not be a main theme in The Call of the Wild.

To determine which of the statements would not be a main theme in The Call of the Wild, we need to understand the main themes of the book. One way to do this is by reading the book or researching its major themes. In the case of The Call of the Wild, it is a novel by Jack London that tells the story of a domesticated dog named Buck who is forced to adapt to the harsh life of a sled dog during the Klondike Gold Rush.

The main themes in The Call of the Wild can include:

1. Survival in the wilderness: One of the central themes in the book is the struggle for survival in the wild. Buck, the main character, must tap into his natural instincts to survive in the harsh and unforgiving environment.

2. Primitive instincts and nature: The book explores the idea that there is a primal nature within all living beings. The story delves into the concept that civilization and domestication may suppress these instincts, but they can resurface when circumstances require it.

3. Transformation and self-discovery: The Call of the Wild follows Buck's journey of transformation from a domesticated dog to a wild and feral creature. This theme explores the idea of discovering one's true nature and potential.

4. Power dynamics: The novel examines power dynamics in various forms, including the struggle for dominance among the sled dogs, the human-animal relationships, and the socioeconomic divide during the Gold Rush.

Having understood the main themes of the book, we can analyze each statement to find the one that does not align with any of these themes:

1. "Always trust your gut" - This statement does not directly connect with any of the main themes mentioned. While intuition and instinct do play a role in the story, the phrase "always trust your gut" does not accurately capture the complexity of the themes in The Call of the Wild.

2. "We are driven by our ancient animal instincts" - This statement aligns with the theme of primitive instincts and nature, which is one of the main themes mentioned.

3. "The beast within us all will come out under the right circumstance" - This statement aligns with the theme of primitive instincts and nature, as it suggests that everyone has a primal side that can emerge when certain circumstances arise.

4. "Only the strong survive" - This statement aligns with the theme of survival in the wilderness, as it implies that strength and resilience are necessary to survive in harsh conditions.

Based on this analysis, the statement that would not be a main theme in The Call of the Wild is: "Always trust your gut."