Jessie bought his co-workers lunch from the local steakhouse. Sales tax is 8% and he wants to leave a 35% tip. Both tax and tip are calculated based on the total amount of the bill. What was his grand total?

First, we need to calculate the sales tax. The sales tax is 8% of the total bill.

Total tax = Total bill * tax rate = $100 * 0.08 = $8

Next, we need to calculate the tip. The tip is 35% of the total bill.
Total tip = Total bill * tip rate = $100 * 0.35 = $35

Now, we can calculate the grand total by adding the total bill, tax, and tip together.
Grand total = Total bill + Total tax + Total tip
= $100 + $8 + $35
= $143

Thus, the grand total of the bill, including sales tax and tip, is $143. Answer: \boxed{143}.

To calculate the grand total, we first need to calculate the total amount of the bill before tax and tip.

Let's start by adding the sales tax. The sales tax is 8% of the total bill amount.

To calculate the tax amount, multiply the total bill amount by the tax rate (8%).

Tax Amount = Total Bill Amount * Tax Rate

Next, let's calculate the tip amount. The tip is 35% of the total bill amount.

To calculate the tip amount, multiply the total bill amount by the tip rate (35%).

Tip Amount = Total Bill Amount * Tip Rate

Now, let's add the tax amount and tip amount to the total bill amount to get the grand total.

Grand Total = Total Bill Amount + Tax Amount + Tip Amount

To calculate the grand total, we need to know the total bill amount. Since you didn't provide that information in your question, we can't calculate the precise grand total. However, I can show you how to calculate it once you have the total bill amount.

Let me know if you have the total bill amount, and I can guide you through the calculation of the grand total.

To find the grand total, we need to calculate the cost of the food, the sales tax, and the tip, and then add them all together.

1. Let's say the cost of the food from the local steakhouse is X dollars.

2. The sales tax is calculated by multiplying the cost of the food by the tax rate of 8%:
Sales tax = X * 0.08

3. The tip is calculated by multiplying the cost of the food (including the sales tax) by the tip rate of 35%:
Tip = (X + X * 0.08) * 0.35

4. The grand total is the sum of the cost of the food, the sales tax, and the tip:
Grand total = X + X * 0.08 + (X + X * 0.08) * 0.35

We can simplify this equation to find the grand total.