What is the equation of y = x3

with the given transformations?

vertical stretch by a factor of 3, horizontal shift 4 units to the right, vertical shift 3 units down

The equation of the transformed function is:

y = 3(x - 4)^3 - 3

To find the equation of the given function with the specified transformations, follow these steps:

1. Start with the original equation: y = x^3.

2. Apply the vertical stretch by a factor of 3. In this case, multiply the entire equation by 3: y = 3 * x^3.

3. Apply the horizontal shift of 4 units to the right. To shift a function right, you replace x with (x - h), where h is the amount of units to shift. In this case, h = -4 (negative because it's a shift to the right). So the equation becomes: y = 3 * (x - (-4))^3.

4. Simplify the expression inside the parentheses: y = 3 * (x + 4)^3.

5. Apply the vertical shift of 3 units down. To shift a function down, you subtract the amount of units to shift from the equation. In this case, subtract 3 from the equation: y = 3 * (x + 4)^3 - 3.

Therefore, the equation of y = x^3 with the specified transformations (vertical stretch by a factor of 3, horizontal shift 4 units to the right, vertical shift 3 units down) is y = 3 * (x + 4)^3 - 3.

To find the equation of the transformed function, we need to start with the basic equation y = x^3 and apply the given transformations one by one.

1. Vertical stretch by a factor of 3:
To vertically stretch a function, we multiply the original function by the desired factor. In this case, we want to stretch the function by a factor of 3, so we multiply y = x^3 by 3 to get:

y = 3 * x^3

2. Horizontal shift 4 units to the right:
To horizontally shift a function, we replace x with (x - h), where h represents the amount of units to shift. In this case, we want to shift the function 4 units to the right, so we replace x with (x - 4) to get:

y = 3 * (x - 4)^3

3. Vertical shift 3 units down:
To vertically shift a function, we add or subtract the desired amount from the function. In this case, we want to shift the function 3 units down, so we subtract 3 from the entire function to get:

y = 3 * (x - 4)^3 - 3

So, the equation of the function with the given transformations is y = 3 * (x - 4)^3 - 3.