Drag and drop in Indochina leading up to the Vietnam War. Put them in correct order from the most distant at the top to the most recent at the bottom

1. French colonization of Indochina (1862-1945)

2. First Indochina War (1946-1954)
3. Geneva Conference and the division of Vietnam (1954)
4. Diem's rise to power in South Vietnam (1955)
5. National Liberation Front (NLF) insurgency in South Vietnam (1960)
6. Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964)
7. US escalation of military involvement in Vietnam (1965)
8. Tet Offensive (1968)
9. Paris Peace Accords and withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam (1973)
10. Fall of Saigon and end of the Vietnam War (1975)

Sure! Here is the correct order from the most distant event at the top to the most recent event at the bottom:

1. French colonization of Indochina (late 19th century)
2. Japanese occupation of Indochina during World War II (1940-1945)
3. August Revolution in Vietnam (1945)
4. First Indochina War between Viet Minh and French Union (1946-1954)
5. Geneva Conference and the division of Indochina (1954)
6. Second Indochina War (Vietnam War) (1955-1975)

Please note that these events are significant in the context of Indochina leading up to the Vietnam War.

In order to correctly arrange the events leading up to the Vietnam War in Indochina, we need to understand the chronology of these events. Here are the steps to determine the correct order:

1. Identify the events: Make a list of the key events that occurred in Indochina leading up to the Vietnam War. These could include colonization, anti-colonial movements, political transitions, and conflicts.

2. Research the dates: Find the dates for each event on your list. You can look up reliable sources such as history books, academic articles, or trusted websites. Note down the dates for each event.

3. Sort the events: Based on the dates, arrange the events in chronological order. Start with the event that occurred the furthest in the past and progress to the most recent event.

4. Drag and drop: Finally, you can visually drag and drop the events into the correct order, from the most distant at the top to the most recent at the bottom. This can be done on a piece of paper or using a computer software that allows you to arrange and reorder items.

Remember, it is important to refer to reliable sources and historical accounts to ensure accuracy while arranging the events leading up to the Vietnam War in Indochina.