A printer can print 8 pages per minute. How many pages could the printer print in 1 hour?

60 minutes = 1 hour

(1 point)

52 pages per hour
52 pages per hour

215 pages per hour
Start Fraction 2 over 15 End Fraction pages per hour

68 pages per hour
68 pages per hour

480 pages per hour
480 pages per hour

Another way to solve this problem is by setting up a ratio and proportion equation.

We know that the printer can print 8 pages per minute. To find out how many pages it can print in 1 hour, we need to convert minutes to hours.

There are 60 minutes in 1 hour, so we set up the following proportion:

8 pages/1 minute = x pages/60 minutes

To solve for x (the number of pages in 1 hour), we cross-multiply and solve for x:

1 minute * x pages = 8 pages * 60 minutes
x = (8 * 60) / 1
x = 480 pages

Therefore, the printer can print 480 pages in 1 hour.

To figure out how many pages the printer can print in 1 hour, we need to know the rate at which it can print per minute and then multiply that rate by the number of minutes in an hour.

Given that the printer can print 8 pages per minute, we can calculate the number of pages it can print in 1 hour by multiplying the rate per minute by the number of minutes in an hour.

So, 8 pages per minute multiplied by 60 minutes per hour equals 480 pages per hour.

Therefore, the printer can print 480 pages in 1 hour.

To determine how many pages the printer can print in 1 hour, we need to multiply the number of pages it can print per minute by the number of minutes in an hour.

Given that the printer can print 8 pages per minute and there are 60 minutes in an hour, the printer can print 8 x 60 = 480 pages per hour.

Therefore, the correct answer is 480 pages per hour.