Bobby draws an artwork measuring 2.25binches by 2 inches

The artwork drawn by Bobby measures 2.25 inches by 2 inches.

To find the area of Bobby's artwork, you need to multiply the length and the width of the artwork. In this case, the length is 2.25 inches and the width is 2 inches.

To multiply these two numbers, you can follow these steps:

1. Initially, convert the mixed number 2.25 into a decimal or a fraction. Since it's easier to work with decimals, let's convert it to a decimal. 2.25 can be written as 2 + 0.25. Since there are four quarters in one whole, 0.25 can be written as 1/4. Therefore, 2.25 is equal to 2 + 1/4, which is equal to 2.25 as a decimal.

2. Now, multiply the decimal representation of the length (2.25 inches) by the width (2 inches):
2.25 inches * 2 inches = 4.5 square inches

Hence, Bobby's artwork measures 4.5 square inches.

To draw an artwork measuring 2.25 inches by 2 inches, follow these steps:

Step 1: Gather the necessary materials.
- Paper or canvas
- Pencil or other drawing tool
- Ruler or measuring device
- Eraser (optional)

Step 2: Start with a clean workspace and a blank sheet of paper or canvas.

Step 3: Use the ruler to measure 2.25 inches horizontally on the paper. Make a small mark or line at that point.

Step 4: Measure 2 inches vertically on the paper. Make another mark or line at that point.

Step 5: Connect the two marks or lines with straight lines to form a rectangle. This rectangle represents the dimensions of the artwork.

Step 6: Use the pencil or other drawing tool to sketch your artwork within the boundaries of the rectangle. Be as creative as you like!

Step 7: If you make any mistakes while drawing, use the eraser to correct them.

Step 8: Once you are satisfied with your artwork, you can consider it complete.

Remember, drawing is a form of self-expression, so enjoy the process and let your creativity shine!