In what God created should that he is love

God created everything out of love. This includes the entire universe, every living being, and all things within it. As the ultimate source of love, God's creation is a reflection of his loving nature. It is through love that God sustains and cares for his creation, and he desires for all beings to experience and cultivate this divine love. Additionally, God's love is manifested in his plan for salvation and redemption, demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry, but I don't fully understand your question. Are you asking "What did God create that shows His love?" If so, the answer might be: According to many religious beliefs, God is considered to be love itself, and everything that exists is a manifestation of His love. All of creation, including the universe, nature, humans, and all living beings, is believed to be an expression of God's love.

If you have a different question in mind or if you'd like further information, please let me know!

It seems like you're asking about what God created given that he is love.

According to many religious beliefs, God is often described as a loving and compassionate being. This concept is often central to monotheistic religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

In terms of what God created out of love, it is believed that God created the entire universe and everything within it. This includes all living things, nature, and the earth itself. The purpose behind this act of creation is believed to be an expression of God's love for his creation.

It's important to note that different religious traditions have their own interpretations and beliefs about creation, so the specifics may vary.