Which ideas describe the big crunch?(1 point)

The universe is not only composed of the objects that we can see.
After the universe reaches its expansion limit, gravity will pull it all back together.
The universe goes through infinite cycles of expansion and contraction.
The big bang actually never occurred, and the universe must have a different origin.

After the universe reaches its expansion limit, gravity will pull it all back together.

The idea that describes the big crunch is: After the universe reaches its expansion limit, gravity will pull it all back together.

The idea that describes the big crunch is:

- After the universe reaches its expansion limit, gravity will pull it all back together.

To understand this concept, we need to have some knowledge about the expansion and contraction of the universe.

The big crunch is a theoretical scenario in cosmology that suggests that the universe, after undergoing a period of expansion, will eventually stop expanding and start contracting. This contraction will continue until all matter and energy in the universe are concentrated into a single point, similar to how the universe began with the big bang. It is believed that this process would happen due to the gravitational pull between all the objects in the universe.

However, it is important to note that current observations and measurements indicate that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, suggesting that a big crunch scenario is less likely. The majority of scientific evidence supports the idea that the expansion will continue indefinitely, causing the universe to become colder and more spread out, eventually leading to a state known as the "heat death" or "Big Freeze."