Which layer is found at Earth's center?

A. Mantle
B. Core
C. Mesosphere
D. Crust

B. Core

B. Core

The correct answer is B. Core. The Earth's center is composed of the core, which is further divided into the inner core and the outer core. To understand this, let's discuss how scientists have come to this conclusion.

Scientists have gained knowledge about the Earth's interior through various methods, including seismic waves. Seismic waves are generated during earthquakes and travel through the Earth's layers at different speeds. By studying the behavior of these waves, scientists have been able to infer the composition and structure of the Earth's interior.

Based on these studies, scientists have determined that the Earth's core is located at its center. The core is primarily made up of iron and nickel and is divided into two parts: the outer core and the inner core. The outer core is in a liquid state, and the inner core is solid due to the extreme pressure at the Earth's center.

Therefore, option B, "Core," is the correct answer as it represents the layer found at Earth's center.