Mr. Reed's second-period class.

Which group of words would correct the sentence fragment?

at last
is studying Shakespeare
the students in
at Lincoln Middle School
help pls

The students in Mr. Reed's second-period class at Lincoln Middle School is studying Shakespeare.

The correct group of words to complete the sentence fragment would be "the students in." So, the corrected sentence would be: "The students in Mr. Reed's second-period class."

To correct the sentence fragment "Mr. Reed's second-period class," you need to provide additional information that completes the sentence. Here are the options you have provided:

1. "at last"
2. "is studying Shakespeare"
3. "the students in"
4. "at Lincoln Middle School"

In this case, you need to choose the option that best completes the sentence, giving it a proper subject and verb. Out of the provided options, option 3 "the students in" seems to be the most suitable choice.

Therefore, the corrected sentence could be: "The students in Mr. Reed's second-period class."