Which is one way the author connects the readers to the past in “A Friend in Need”?

She places historical events in a modern setting.
She reports only true events from the time period.
She uses dialogue that is true to the time period.
She places historical events in an imaginary setting.

She places historical events in a modern setting.

One way the author connects the readers to the past in "A Friend in Need" is by using dialogue that is true to the time period.

To determine the way the author connects the readers to the past in "A Friend in Need," we can analyze the given options.

- Option 1: She places historical events in a modern setting.
- Option 2: She reports only true events from the time period.
- Option 3: She uses dialogue that is true to the time period.
- Option 4: She places historical events in an imaginary setting.

To find the correct answer, we need to understand how the author establishes a connection between the readers and the past within the story.

To do this, we can examine the text for evidence of any of these options. In this case, the most likely answer is Option 3: She uses dialogue that is true to the time period.

When the author utilizes dialogue that is authentic to the time period, it allows the readers to establish a connection to the past. By accurately portraying how people spoke during that era, the author effectively transports the readers back in time, enabling them to experience and understand the historical context more fully. Thus, this option best reflects how the author connects readers to the past in "A Friend in Need".