Which detail helps readers determine that Robert is the protagonist in The Number Devil?

He is not fooled by hoaxes.
He has very detailed dreams.
He is frustrated by his dreams.
He does not like to waste time.

The detail that helps readers determine that Robert is the protagonist in The Number Devil is that he is frustrated by his dreams. This detail suggests that Robert is the central character who is experiencing the events of the story and reacting to them.

The detail that helps readers determine that Robert is the protagonist in The Number Devil is that he is frustrated by his dreams.

To determine that Robert is the protagonist in The Number Devil, we can analyze the details provided and consider their significance in the story.

Looking at the given options:
1. "He is not fooled by hoaxes": While this detail may indicate Robert's skepticism and critical thinking abilities, it does not necessarily establish him as the protagonist.

2. "He has very detailed dreams": This detail implies that Robert's dreams are vivid and noteworthy, which could potentially be a characteristic of a protagonist.

3. "He is frustrated by his dreams": This detail reveals an emotional reaction from Robert regarding his dreams. While it portrays his emotional state, frustration alone does not directly establish him as the protagonist.

4. "He does not like to waste time": This detail suggests that Robert values efficiency and productivity. While this trait may provide insights into his personality, it does not solely determine him as the protagonist.

To identify the protagonist in a story, it is important to consider their significant presence, influence on the narrative, and their journey or growth throughout the story. While the details provided offer some insights into Robert's character, none of them explicitly confirm him as the protagonist.

To determine the protagonist, you may need to explore additional information such as the focus of the story, the character's role in advancing the plot, and their relationship with other characters. Analyzing character development, narrative structure, and the author's intentions can also provide valuable clues to identify the protagonist in The Number Devil or any other story.