Lanie noticed that her tomato plant was growing at a steady pace. For several weeks she recorded the height in inches of the plant as shown in the table weeks 4 6 8.

Height of plant 8 12 16

Based on the data provided, Lanie recorded the height of her tomato plant over a span of several weeks. The height of the plant at week 4 was 8 inches, at week 6 it was 12 inches, and at week 8 it was 16 inches.

To find the growth rate of Lanie's tomato plant, we can calculate the difference in height between consecutive weeks. Let's calculate the growth rate step-by-step:

Step 1: Find the difference in height between week 4 and week 6
Height at week 6 - Height at week 4 = 12 - 8 = 4 inches

Step 2: Find the difference in height between week 6 and week 8
Height at week 8 - Height at week 6 = 16 - 12 = 4 inches

Step 3: The growth rate is calculated by finding the average of the height differences
Average growth rate = (4 + 4) / 2 = 8 / 2 = 4 inches

Therefore, the tomato plant grew at an average rate of 4 inches per week.

To find the average rate of growth for Lanie's tomato plant, we need to calculate the change in height over the change in time. The change in height is found by subtracting the initial height from the final height, and the change in time is found by subtracting the initial time from the final time.

In this case, the initial height is 8 inches (at week 4) and the final height is 16 inches (at week 8). The initial time is 4 weeks and the final time is 8 weeks.

Change in height = Final height - Initial height = 16 inches - 8 inches = 8 inches
Change in time = Final time - Initial time = 8 weeks - 4 weeks = 4 weeks

Now, we can calculate the average rate of growth by dividing the change in height by the change in time:

Average rate of growth = Change in height / Change in time
Average rate of growth = 8 inches / 4 weeks

So, the average rate of growth for Lanie's tomato plant is 2 inches per week.