which topic should appear in a conclusion?

1.-a transition to you next topic
2.-an introduction to your main ideas
3.-reasons and examples supporting your main ideas
t4.-he ideas you want your readers to remember

The ideas you want your readers to remember should appear in a conclusion.

In a conclusion, the topic that should appear is the one that emphasizes the ideas you want your readers to remember. This option aligns with the purpose of a conclusion, which is to summarize the main points discussed in the body of the text and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

To reach this conclusion, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main ideas: Firstly, determine the main ideas you have presented in the body of your text. These are the key arguments, points, or concepts that you have discussed and elaborated on.

2. Select the most important ideas: Next, choose the most significant or impactful main ideas from the list you created in step one. Consider which ones are most crucial for your readers to remember or take away from your writing.

3. Craft a concise summary: Once you have selected the key ideas, summarize them concisely in the conclusion. It is essential to present these ideas in a way that reminds the reader of their importance and reinforces the message you want to convey.

By following these steps, you can effectively conclude your writing by reiterating the main ideas you want your readers to retain and reflect upon.

The topic that should appear in a conclusion is:

4. The ideas you want your readers to remember.