In not normal reproduction, DNA from the parent cell _________ before it produces daughter cells.(1 point)


coils up
coils up

moves toward one pole
moves toward one pole


produces cytoplasm


In not normal reproduction, DNA from the parent cell replicates before it produces daughter cells.

To answer this question, we need to understand the process of cell division and the role of DNA. Cell division is a process by which a single cell divides to form two daughter cells. In this process, DNA, which carries genetic information, is replicated to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic material.

In not normal reproduction, DNA from the parent cell undergoes replication before it produces daughter cells. This means that the DNA is duplicated to create two identical copies of itself. Replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, where the DNA uncoils and the two strands separate. Enzymes then use the individual strands as templates to create complementary strands, resulting in two identical DNA molecules.

So, the correct answer to the question is "replicates." DNA replication is an essential step in cell division to ensure that each daughter cell receives the same genetic information as the parent cell.

Which statement has exceptions?(1 point)

normal reproduction is more complex, while not normal reproduction is a simpler process.

normal reproduction requires two parents, whereas not normal reproduction requires only one parent.

normal reproduction involves parental care, while not normal reproduction does not.

normal reproduction promotes genetic variation, while not normal reproduction does not.

The statement "normal reproduction promotes genetic variation, while not normal reproduction does not" has exceptions.

Which is the most likely explanation for a child exhibiting a heritable trait that neither parent exhibits?(1 point)


A grandparent exhibits the trait, and the child inherited it directly from that person.
A grandparent exhibits the trait, and the child inherited it directly from that person.

A mutation occurred, and the child exhibits a new trait due to the mutation.
A mutation occurred, and the child exhibits a new trait due to the mutation.

The trait is recessive, and the child inherited a recessive allele from each parent.
The trait is recessive, and the child inherited a recessive allele from each parent.

The parents have recessive alleles, and the child inherited a dominant allele.

The most likely explanation for a child exhibiting a heritable trait that neither parent exhibits is that a mutation occurred, and the child exhibits a new trait due to the mutation.

please choose one of my options.

I apologize for the confusion. The most likely explanation for a child exhibiting a heritable trait that neither parent exhibits is that the trait is recessive, and the child inherited a recessive allele from each parent.