Sally wants to purchase a new snow blower for 349.99

If Sally wants to purchase a new snow blower for $349.99, she would need to have that amount of money available.

To find out how much Sally will need to pay for the snow blower, you can simply state the price of the snow blower, which is $349.99. Sally will need to pay $349.99 for the new snow blower.

To purchase a new snow blower for $349.99, Sally can follow these steps:

Step 1: Research different snow blower options
- Sally should start by researching different snow blower models available in her price range. She can look for online reviews, visit retail websites, or even check out local stores to gather information on different options.

Step 2: Compare features and specifications
- Once Sally has shortlisted a few snow blowers that fit her budget, she should compare their features and specifications. This can include factors such as power, clearing width, throwing distance, weight, and special features like electric start or headlight.

Step 3: Check customer reviews
- Sally should read customer reviews for the snow blowers she is interested in. This will give her an idea of the overall performance, reliability, and durability of each model. She can find customer reviews on online retail websites, forums, or social media groups.

Step 4: Check warranty and after-sales service
- Sally needs to look into the warranty offered by the manufacturer. A longer warranty period could give her peace of mind in case of any issues with the snow blower. Additionally, she may want to consider the availability of spare parts and authorized service centers in her area.

Step 5: Consider the maintenance requirements
- Before making the purchase, Sally should consider the maintenance requirements of the snow blower. This can include regular oil changes, fuel type, and any other maintenance tasks outlined in the user manual.

Step 6: Finalize the decision
- After considering all the above factors, Sally can finalize her decision on which snow blower to purchase based on her budget, needs, and the overall value she gets from each option. Once she has made her decision, she can proceed to the purchase.

Step 7: Purchase the snow blower
- Sally can purchase the snow blower from a local store or through an online retailer. She should compare prices and look for any discounts or special offers that may be available. It's important to consider the shipping cost and delivery time if purchasing online.

Step 8: Complete the payment
- Once Sally has added the snow blower to her cart, she can proceed to the payment process. This typically involves entering her payment details, such as credit card information or using a payment service like PayPal.

Step 9: Track the delivery
- If Sally has purchased the snow blower online, she can track the delivery to know when it will arrive. Tracking information is usually provided by the retailer, and Sally can use this to estimate the delivery date.

Step 10: Receive and test the snow blower
- When the snow blower arrives, Sally should carefully unbox and inspect it for any damages that may have occurred during shipping. She can then follow the user manual to assemble the snow blower and test its functionality.

Congratulations! Sally has successfully purchased and tested her new snow blower for $349.99.