Mrs. Hamblen won a $150 gift card to purchase supplies for her classroom.

On the tax-free weekend, she bought 36 boxes of markers for $1.59 each and 72 glue sticks for $0.89 each.

How much money was left on the gift card after these purchases?

The cost of the markers was 36 boxes * $1.59/box = $<<36*1.59=57.24>>57.24

The cost of the glue sticks was 72 glue * $0.89/glue stick = $<<72*0.89=64.08>>64.08
The total cost of the markers and glue sticks was $57.24 + $64.08 = $<<57.24+64.08=121.32>>121.32
She had $150 - $121.32 = $<<150-121.32=28.68>>28.68 left on the gift card. Answer: \boxed{28.68}.

To find the amount of money left on the gift card after the purchases, we need to calculate the total cost of the markers and glue sticks and then subtract that amount from the initial value of the gift card.

To calculate the cost of the markers, multiply the number of boxes (36) by the price per box ($1.59): 36 * $1.59 = $57.24.

To calculate the cost of the glue sticks, multiply the number of glue sticks (72) by the price per glue stick ($0.89): 72 * $0.89 = $64.08.

Now, add the cost of the markers and the cost of the glue sticks: $57.24 + $64.08 = $121.32.

Finally, to determine the amount of money left on the gift card, subtract the total cost of the purchases ($121.32) from the initial value of the gift card ($150): $150 - $121.32 = $28.68.

Therefore, there was $28.68 left on the gift card after purchasing the markers and glue sticks.

To find out how much money was left on the gift card after these purchases, we need to calculate the total cost of the markers and glue sticks and subtract it from the initial value of the gift card.

Let's calculate the cost of the markers:
36 boxes * $1.59 per box = $<<36*1.59=57.24>>57.24

Now let's calculate the cost of the glue sticks:
72 glue sticks * $0.89 each = $<<72*0.89=64.08>>64.08

Now let's calculate the total cost:
$57.24 (markers) + $64.08 (glue sticks) = $<<57.24+64.08=121.32>>121.32

Finally, to find out how much money is left on the gift card, we subtract the total cost from the initial value of the gift card:
$150 (initial value) - $121.32 (total cost) = $<<150-121.32=28.68>>28.68

Therefore, there is $28.68 left on the gift card after these purchases.