When you hold a textbook and a pencil, why does the textbook feel heavier than the pencil?(1 point)


The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth.
The textbook has a stronger attraction to Earth.

Your hand repels the textbook with less force.
Your hand repels the textbook with less force.

You can grip the pencil with more strength.
You can grip the pencil with more strength.

The textbook has less mass than the pencil.

The textbook has a larger mass than the pencil.

The textbook has more mass than the pencil.

pick a answer from the question

The textbook feels heavier than the pencil because it has more mass than the pencil.

The correct answer is: The textbook has more mass than the pencil.

To understand why the textbook feels heavier than the pencil, we need to consider the concept of mass. Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, which determines the force of gravity acting on it. In other words, the more mass an object has, the stronger the pull of gravity on that object.

When you hold the textbook and the pencil, both objects experience the force of gravity pulling them downward. However, because the textbook has more mass than the pencil, it feels heavier. This is because the greater mass of the textbook means that there is a stronger gravitational force acting on it, compared to the pencil.

So, the answer to why the textbook feels heavier than the pencil is that the textbook has more mass.