Approximately how many days does it take for the moon to go through a complete cycle of its phases?(1 point)


10 days
10 days

29 days
29 days

45 days
45 days

24 hours

29 days

The correct answer is 29 days.

The correct answer is 29 days.

To find the answer, you need to understand the concept of lunar phases. The moon goes through a cycle of phases, known as lunar phases, as seen from Earth. These phases include new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter.

The time it takes for the moon to go through a complete cycle of its phases is called a lunar month or synodic month. It is important to note that a synodic month is different from a sidereal month, which is the time it takes for the moon to complete one orbit around the Earth.

To determine the length of a synodic month, you can use various astronomical resources, such as almanacs or online databases. These sources calculate the average length of a synodic month to be approximately 29.530588 days.

Therefore, the closest option to this value is 29 days, making it the correct answer.