Which phrase best summarizes Qin government?

(1 point)

It was centralized.

It was centralized.

It upheld Confucian ideals.

It upheld Confucian ideals.

It divided China into rival states.

It divided China into rival states.

It relaxed the harsh laws of the Zhou dynasty.

It was centralized.

The phrase that best summarizes Qin government is: "It was centralized."

The phrase that best summarizes the Qin government is "It was centralized." To arrive at this answer, we can examine the options given and consider the characteristics associated with the Qin government.

1. "It upheld Confucian ideals": This is not an accurate summary of the Qin government. The Qin dynasty implemented Legalism as its governing philosophy, which was different from Confucianism.

2. "It divided China into rival states": This is also inaccurate. The Qin dynasty, under Emperor Qin Shi Huang, was known for unifying China and establishing a centralized state.

3. "It relaxed the harsh laws of the Zhou dynasty": This statement is not true. The Qin dynasty had strict laws and regulations and did not relax laws from the previous Zhou dynasty.

Therefore, the correct answer is "It was centralized." The Qin government was known for its strong centralization of power, with Emperor Qin Shi Huang implementing a system of centralized bureaucracy and implementing reforms to establish a unified and centralized state.