Question Which sentence includes the use of a metaphor?(1 point) Responses The wind was a giant fan. The wind was a giant fan. The sky was as red as a flame. The sky was as red as a flame. We gaped at the millions of bolts of lightning. We gaped at the millions of bolts of lightning. The rain fell like pebbles from the sky. The rain fell like pebbles from the sky.

The rain fell like pebbles from the sky.

To identify which sentence includes the use of a metaphor, we need to understand what a metaphor is. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things by stating that one thing is another thing. It is used to create a vivid and imaginative description.

Let's break down the options provided:

1. "The wind was a giant fan." - This sentence is a metaphor because it compares the wind to a giant fan.
2. "The sky was as red as a flame." - This sentence is a simile because it uses the word "as" to make a comparison. It is not a metaphor.
3. "We gaped at the millions of bolts of lightning." - This sentence does not contain a metaphor. It describes the literal action of gaping at lightning.
4. "The rain fell like pebbles from the sky." - This sentence is a simile because it uses the word "like" to make a comparison. It is not a metaphor.

Based on this analysis, the sentence that includes the use of a metaphor is: "The wind was a giant fan."

The sentence "The rain fell like pebbles from the sky" includes the use of a metaphor.