he following sentence is written in active voice.

"Our team made many mistakes," the coach said after the team's loss.

Which option below turns this sentence into passive voice?


The team would have won without all the mistakes.
The team lost the game because players made mistakes.
The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made.
Mistakes made the team lose.

The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made.

The option that turns the sentence into passive voice is: "The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made."

To identify the option that turns the given sentence into passive voice, let's first understand the difference between active and passive voice.

In active voice, the subject of the sentence is performing the action, while in passive voice, the subject of the sentence is being acted upon.

The given sentence "Our team made many mistakes," is in active voice because the subject "our team" is performing the action "made."

Now, let's analyze the options provided to find the one that represents passive voice:

Option 1: "The team would have won without all the mistakes."
This option does not change the active voice of the original sentence.

Option 2: "The team lost the game because players made mistakes."
This option also does not change the active voice of the original sentence.

Option 3: "The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made."
This option rephrases the sentence in passive voice by using the structure "subject + verb to be + past participle." Here, "the team's loss" is the subject being acted upon, and "was caused" is the passive verb.

Option 4: "Mistakes made the team lose."
This option does not convert the sentence into passive voice since it still maintains the active voice structure.

Therefore, the correct option that turns the given sentence into passive voice is: "The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made." Option 3.

The following sentence is written in active voice.

"Our team made many mistakes," the coach said after the team's loss.

Which option below turns this sentence into passive voice?


The team would have won without all the mistakes.
The team lost the game because players made mistakes.
The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made.
Mistakes made the team lose.

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. I made an error.

To turn the sentence into passive voice, we need to rephrase it so that the subject of the sentence is being acted upon rather than performing the action.

The correct option that turns the given sentence into passive voice is indeed "The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made." Option 3.