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Which of the following is not a danger of blogging?
(1 point)

staying connected with an old friend

staying connected with an old friend

To determine which of the following is not a danger of blogging, we need to understand the meanings of each option:

1. Cyberbullying: This refers to the use of electronic communication to bully or harass someone, typically through messages, comments, or posts.

2. Slander: Slander refers to making false spoken statements that damage someone's reputation.

3. Gossip: Gossip involves spreading rumors or personal information about individuals, often without their consent.

4. Staying connected with an old friend: This option seems out of place as it does not fit the context of the other three, which are potential dangers.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the correct answer is "staying connected with an old friend" because it does not pose any obvious dangers.

The correct answer is: staying connected with an old friend