Hobbes lived at a time when many philosophers were thinking about the nature of government. He was one of the first of his era to discuss the idea of a social contract between people and their government. A contract is an agreement in which both sides agree to something in order to reach a shared goal. In Hobbes' view, people agreed to give up some rights and power in exchange for protection. But for Hobbes, the social contract was no two-way street. He believed that once the people agreed to hand over power in exchange for protection, they lost the right to overthrow, replace, or even question government.

What should I highlight here?
What should I jot down here?

- Hobbes' contribution to the discussion on the nature of government

- The concept of a social contract between people and their government
- People giving up rights and power in exchange for protection
- Hobbes' belief that once the social contract is established, people cannot overthrow, replace, or question government

If you want to highlight key points in this passage, you might want to mark the following:

1. Hobbes was one of the first philosophers to discuss the idea of a social contract between people and their government.
2. A social contract is an agreement between people and their government, where people give up some rights and power in exchange for protection.
3. Hobbes believed that once people agreed to this social contract, they lost the right to overthrow, replace, or even question the government.

If you want to jot down notes, you could write:

- Hobbes: first philosopher to discuss social contract, give up rights and power for protection
- No two-way street: people can't overthrow, replace, or question government after the social contract is agreed upon

To highlight:

- Hobbes' role as one of the first philosophers to discuss the social contract between people and government.
- The concept of a social contract as an agreement in which both parties give up something to achieve a shared goal.
- Hobbes' belief that people give up rights and power in exchange for protection.
- Hobbes' viewpoint that once people agree to the social contract, they lose the right to question or overthrow the government.

To jot down:
- Hobbes and social contract
- Agreement between people and government
- Giving up rights for protection
- No right to question or overthrow government