A dog weighing 18 kg runs into a park at a velocity of .63 m/s. What is the momentum of the dog?(1 point)


28.5 kg*m/s
28 . 5 kg * m / s

17.37 kg*m/s
17 . 37 kg * m / s

.035 kg*m/s
. 035 kg * m / s

11.34 kg*m/s

The momentum of an object can be calculated using the formula: momentum = mass * velocity.

Given that the dog weighs 18 kg and runs at a velocity of 0.63 m/s, we can calculate its momentum as follows:

momentum = 18 kg * 0.63 m/s = 11.34 kg * m/s

Therefore, the momentum of the dog is 11.34 kg*m/s.

To calculate the momentum of an object, we use the formula: momentum = mass × velocity.

Given that the dog weighs 18 kg and runs at a velocity of 0.63 m/s, we can calculate the momentum as follows:

Momentum = 18 kg × 0.63 m/s
= 11.34 kg*m/s

So, the momentum of the dog is 11.34 kg*m/s.

In order to find the momentum of the dog, we need to use the formula:

Momentum = mass * velocity

First, we need to convert the weight of the dog from kg to kg*m/s^2. The weight of the dog in kg*m/s^2 can be calculated by multiplying the weight in kg by the acceleration due to gravity (approximated as 9.8 m/s^2). However, since the question asks for momentum and not weight, we can skip this step.

Next, we can simply multiply the mass of the dog (given as 18 kg) by its velocity (given as 0.63 m/s).

Momentum = 18 kg * 0.63 m/s = 11.34 kg*m/s

Therefore, the momentum of the dog is 11.34 kg*m/s.