True or False: square root 225 = + 15

True. The square root of 225 is +15 because 15 multiplied by itself equals 225.

True. The square root of 225 is indeed plus 15. To confirm this yourself, you can calculate it by following these steps:

1. Start with the number 225.
2. Find the prime factors of 225. In this case, the only prime factor is 3 (225 = 3 * 3 * 5 * 5).
3. Pair up the prime factors in sets of two: (3 * 3) * (5 * 5).
4. Take one factor from each pair and multiply them: 3 * 5 = 15.
5. The result, 15, is the square root of 225.

Thus, the square root of 225 is indeed +15.

True. The square root of 225, written as √225, is indeed equal to +15.