Unicellular and Multicellular Quick Check

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How does an amoeba compare with a red blood cell? (1 point)

They are both organisms.
They are both organisms.

They both have pseuopods.
They both have pseuopods.

An amoeba is responsible for one function, and a red blood cell is responsible for all functions.
An amoeba is responsible for one function, and a red blood cell is responsible for all functions.

An amoeba is responsible for all functions, and a red blood cell is responsible for some functions.

An amoeba is responsible for all functions, and a red blood cell is responsible for some functions.

An amoeba is responsible for all functions, and a red blood cell is responsible for some functions.

The correct answer is: An amoeba is responsible for all functions, and a red blood cell is responsible for some functions.

To compare an amoeba with a red blood cell, you need to understand their characteristics.

An amoeba is a type of unicellular organism, which means it is composed of a single cell. It has a flexible cell membrane and can change its shape to move around. Amoebas use pseudopods, which are temporary extensions of their cytoplasm, to move and capture prey. Additionally, amoebas are responsible for all of their functions such as digestion, reproduction, and response to stimuli.

On the other hand, a red blood cell is a type of blood cell in the human body. It is also a type of unicellular organism and is responsible for a specific function – transporting oxygen from the lungs to different parts of the body. Red blood cells lack a nucleus and most of their cellular organelles, making them specialized for their function.

Therefore, the correct answer is that an amoeba is responsible for all functions, while a red blood cell is responsible for some functions.