Subtract the polynomials.


To subtract the polynomials (4a-7)-(a+4), we can distribute the negative sign to each term in the second polynomial, and then combine like terms.

(4a-7)-(a+4) can be rewritten as 4a - 7 - a - 4.

Combining like terms, we have:
3a - 11.

Therefore, the subtraction of the polynomials is 3a - 11.

To subtract the given polynomials (4a-7) and (a+4), we need to remove the parentheses and then combine like terms. Here's how:

1. Distribute the negative sign in front of the second polynomial. This means you need to change the signs of each term within the parentheses:
(4a - 7) - (a + 4) = 4a - 7 - a - 4

2. Combine like terms. Group the terms with the same variable together and then add or subtract them accordingly:
(4a - a) + (-7 - 4) = 3a - 11

Therefore, the subtraction of (4a-7) - (a+4) simplifies to 3a - 11.

To subtract the polynomials (4a-7) and (a+4), we need to distribute the negative sign to each term in the second polynomial. This is because subtracting a polynomial is the same as adding its opposite.

The first polynomial is 4a - 7.
The second polynomial, after distributing the negative sign, becomes -a - 4.

Now, we can combine like terms.

Combining the "a" terms: 4a - a = 3a
Combining the constant terms: -7 - (-4) = -7 + 4 = -3

Therefore, the expression (4a-7) - (a+4) simplifies to 3a - 3.