Please provide a simple and short definition of decolonising education

Decolonising education refers to the process of challenging and dismantling the colonial structures and systems that have shaped and influenced educational institutions, curricula, and knowledge production. This approach aims to center marginalized perspectives, cultures, and histories, and to promote inclusive and diverse ways of teaching and learning, moving away from Eurocentric perspectives and narratives.

Decolonizing education is a process that seeks to challenge and dismantle the dominant colonial ideologies, perspectives, and structures that have influenced education systems and curriculum. It aims to center marginalized voices, cultures, and histories, while promoting critical thinking, inclusivity, and a more equitable and diverse understanding of education.

Decolonising education refers to a process of challenging and undoing the historical legacies of colonization within educational systems. It aims to critically examine and challenge the dominant Eurocentric perspectives and knowledge in education, and to promote more inclusive, diverse, and equitable ways of teaching and learning. Decolonising education seeks to center marginalized voices, narratives, and knowledge systems that were historically suppressed or erased by colonialism. Keep in mind that this is a simplified explanation, and to gain a deeper understanding, it is important to explore various academic resources, books, articles, and engage in conversations with educators and scholars in the field.