What number is equivalent to 1.3 is it 1.031 3.0 0.13 1.30

The number that is equivalent to 1.3 is 1.30.

To find the number that is equivalent to 1.3, we need to compare the decimal places.

The given options are:

Out of these options, 1.30 is equivalent to 1.3 since they have the same decimal value.

To determine which number is equivalent to 1.3, you need to compare the given options: 1.031, 3.0, 0.13, and 1.30. The number 1.3 has one digit after the decimal point.

Looking at the options:
- 1.031 has three digits after the decimal point, which means it is not equivalent to 1.3.
- 3.0 does not have any digits after the decimal point, which also makes it not equivalent to 1.3.
- 0.13 has two digits after the decimal point, so it is not equivalent to 1.3 either.

The remaining option is 1.30, which has one digit after the decimal point just like 1.3. When a number has trailing zeroes after the decimal point, they are insignificant in determining the number's value. Therefore, 1.3 and 1.30 are equivalent.

So, the answer is 1.30.