Question%0D%0AWhich statement about hacienda homes is not true?%0D%0A(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0AThey are always found in the center of major cities.%0D%0AThey are always found in the center of major cities.%0D%0A%0D%0AThey are the largest type of home in Mexico.%0D%0AThey are the largest type of home in Mexico.%0D%0A%0D%0AMost have tile floors and outdoor patios or courtyards.

The statement that is not true is "They are always found in the center of major cities."

The statement "They are always found in the center of major cities" is not true.

To determine which statement about hacienda homes is not true, let's analyze the options provided:

1. "They are always found in the center of major cities."
2. "They are the largest type of home in Mexico."
3. "Most have tile floors and outdoor patios or courtyards."

By comparing the statements, we can identify that the repeated options indicate that they are true statements. Therefore, the statement that is not true must be the one that differs from the others. In this case, it is the first statement, "They are always found in the center of major cities."

So, the correct answer is that hacienda homes are not always found in the center of major cities.