Convert this scale drawing so that it has a scale of 1 box = 5 feet

To convert the scale drawing so that it has a scale of 1 box = 5 feet, you would need to enlarge the dimensions of the drawing.

For each box in the original drawing, you will have to replace it with a larger box that represents 5 feet.

For example, if the original drawing had a box that represented 2 feet, the new enlarged box would represent 5 feet.

To determine the dimensions of the enlarged box, you would use the ratio:

Original Scale / New Scale = Original Dimension / New Dimension

In this case, the original scale is "1 box = 2 feet" and the new scale is "1 box = 5 feet".


1/2 = 5/New Dimension

Solving for New Dimension:

New Dimension = 5 x 2 = 10 feet

Therefore, each box in the converted scale drawing would represent 10 feet.

To convert a scale drawing to a different scale, you need to determine the new measurements based on the given scale. Here's how you can do it:

1. Identify the current scale: Let's say the current scale is 1 box = 10 feet.

2. Determine the conversion ratio: Divide the new scale by the current scale to find the conversion ratio. In this case, the conversion ratio is 5 feet / 10 feet = 1/2.

3. Apply the conversion ratio to each measurement: Multiply each measurement in the existing scale drawing by the conversion ratio.

For example, if you have a measurement of 3 boxes (according to the existing scale), you would multiply it by the conversion ratio of 1/2: 3 boxes * 1/2 = 1.5 boxes. Therefore, on the new scale, this measurement would be represented as 1.5 boxes.

Repeat this process for all measurements in the scale drawing and apply the new scale ratio of 1 box = 5 feet to each measurement.

To convert a scale drawing to a different scale, you need to keep the ratio of the dimensions the same. In this case, you want the new scale to be 1 box = 5 feet, so every dimension in the scale drawing will be multiplied by 5.

Here are the steps to convert the scale drawing:

1. Find the dimensions of the original scale drawing. For example, let's say the original scale is 1 box = 2 feet.

2. Multiply each dimension of the original scale drawing by the scale factor to get the dimensions of the new scale drawing. In this case, the scale factor is 5 (since 1 box = 5 feet). So if the original scale drawing has a length of 10 boxes and a width of 8 boxes, the new scale drawing will have a length of 10 boxes * 5 = 50 feet and a width of 8 boxes * 5 = 40 feet.

3. Draw the new scale drawing using the new dimensions. Use a ruler and protractor to accurately create the new drawing based on the scaled measurements.

That's it! You have now converted the scale drawing to a scale of 1 box = 5 feet.