What scale factor was used to enlarge the rectangle in this image

I'm sorry, but without the image or any additional information, I cannot accurately determine the scale factor used to enlarge the rectangle.

To determine the scale factor used to enlarge the rectangle in the image, we need more specific information or measurements. Could you please provide details on the initial size and the final size of the rectangle or any other measurements given in the image?

To determine the scale factor used to enlarge the rectangle in the image, we need some additional information. If you can provide the measurements of both the original and enlarged rectangle, we can calculate the scale factor.

Once you have the measurements of the two rectangles, follow these steps to find the scale factor:

1. Identify a corresponding side in the original and enlarged rectangles. For example, let's say the length of a side in the original rectangle is "a" units, and in the enlarged rectangle, it is "b" units.

2. Divide the length of the corresponding side in the enlarged rectangle (b) by the length of the corresponding side in the original rectangle (a).

Scale factor = b / a

This will give you the scale factor used to enlarge the rectangle in the image.
