In a boat race, the boats all sail the same distance. In addition to the distance covered, what information is necessary to calculate the winner? (1 point)

A. The skill of each boat's crew
B. The time each boat takes to get to the finish line.
C. The wind's speed
D. Each boat's size

B. The time each boat takes to get to the finish line.

B. The time each boat takes to get to the finish line.

To calculate the winner of a boat race, in addition to the distance covered, the necessary information is the time each boat takes to get to the finish line (option B). This is because the boat that completes the race in the shortest amount of time will be the winner.

While factors such as the skill of each boat's crew (option A), the wind's speed (option C), and each boat's size (option D) might affect the performance or strategy of the boats, they are not directly necessary to determine the winner of the race. The winner is determined solely based on the time it takes for each boat to reach the finish line, regardless of these additional factors.