What was the main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s?(1 point)


unusually cold weather
unusually cold weather

stronger than normal storms
stronger than normal storms

flooding caused by climate change
flooding caused by climate change

poor soil and land management

poor soil and land management

The main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s was poor soil and land management.

The main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s was poor soil and land management. To understand this, we can look at the historical context of the Dust Bowl. During the 1920s, there was a massive increase in agricultural activity in the Great Plains region of the United States, driven by high demand and government incentives. Farmers plowed up large areas of prairie grasslands to plant wheat and other cash crops. However, they did not implement proper soil conservation practices such as crop rotation or leaving land fallow.

This improper land management, combined with a prolonged drought that lasted for several years, created the perfect conditions for the Dust Bowl. With the lack of vegetation to anchor the soil, strong winds blew across the bare fields, causing massive dust storms. These dust storms stripped away the topsoil, leading to further erosion and making it difficult for farmers to grow crops. The resulting economic and environmental devastation had long-lasting effects on both the land and the people of the Great Plains.

Therefore, the main cause of the Dust Bowl was poor soil and land management practices, exacerbated by the drought conditions.

Here Are The Correct Answers to -Unit 6 Natural Resources

-Lesson 7 Land and Soil Resources

1) Poor soil and land management.
2)Both Statements 1 and 2 correctly describe the importance of soil.
3)Bedrock (R)
4)It takes so long to form.

Hope this helps! <3
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