Lin went hiking on five different weekends. If In starts at an elevation of 354 feet and her final elevation is 129 feet. What was her change in elevation?

Her change in elevation is 354 - 129 = <<354-129=225>>225 feet. Answer: \boxed{225}.

To find the change in elevation, you need to subtract the final elevation from the initial elevation. In this case, the initial elevation is 354 feet and the final elevation is 129 feet.

Therefore, the change in elevation is calculated as:

Change in elevation = Initial elevation - Final elevation
= 354 feet - 129 feet
= 225 feet

So, Lin's change in elevation is 225 feet.

To determine the change in elevation, you need to subtract the initial elevation from the final elevation.

In this case, Lin's initial elevation is 354 feet, and her final elevation is 129 feet.

Change in elevation = Final elevation - Initial elevation

Change in elevation = 129 feet - 354 feet

To calculate this, you simply subtract the two numbers:

Change in elevation = -225 feet

So, Lin had a change in elevation of -225 feet.