What is covered by the term intellectual property?

(1 point)

copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures
copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures

anything that is owned and can be touched
anything that is owned and can be touched

any item immune from piracy that is also purchased
any item immune from piracy that is also purchased

property that is available for public use

copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures

The term "intellectual property" refers to legal rights that are granted to individuals or organizations for creations of their mind. It covers a wide range of intangible assets, including:

1. Copyrighted material: This includes original works such as books, movies, music, artwork, photographs, and software. Copyright provides exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display these works.

2. Ideas: Intellectual property also extends to the protection of ideas or concepts, although the specific expression of those ideas may be copyrighted.

3. Music: Musical compositions and recordings are considered intellectual property. The rights to these works may be protected under copyright law.

4. Written word: Written works such as articles, essays, scripts, poetry, and novels are protected by copyright.

5. Pictures: Photographs and other visual works are also covered by copyright, ensuring the creator has control over their distribution and usage.

It is important to note that intellectual property is not limited to physical objects or things that can be touched. It is focused on intangible creations and the legal rights associated with them.

The term intellectual property generally covers copyrighted material, as well as intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures. It does not cover anything that is owned and can be touched, nor does it refer to any item immune from piracy that is also purchased. Intellectual property is not property that is available for public use.