Where is the sign for agent added?

Before the sign for a job

After the sign for a job

In place of the sign for a job

The sign for "agent" is typically made after the sign for a job. It is not usually replaced or placed in the same location as the sign for a job.

To find the sign for "agent added," you can follow these steps:

1. First, familiarize yourself with the American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet and handshapes. This will help you understand how signs are formed.

2. The sign for "agent" is typically signed by placing your dominant hand (the hand you write with) on your non-dominant hand, with your dominant hand fingers extended and slightly cupped. Your non-dominant hand acts as a base or platform for the dominant hand.

3. The sign for "added" is usually signed by taking your dominant hand and making a forward movement towards your body while maintaining the handshape of the sign.

4. To combine these signs, you would first sign "agent" and then immediately sign "added" in sequence. The sign for "agent" would typically come before the sign for "added" to convey the meaning of "agent added."

Remember to practice these signs with proper handshapes, movement, and facial expressions to effectively communicate in ASL.

The sign for "agent" is typically done in place of the sign for a job.