is the context clue for the word dissension. Which type of context clue is this?

The context clue provided for the word "dissension" is not specified in the question. Please provide the sentence or passage in which the word is used, so that the type of context clue can be determined.

To determine the type of context clue for the word "dissension," let's first understand what a context clue is. A context clue is a piece of information in a sentence or passage that helps readers infer the meaning of an unknown word.

In this case, the context clue given is "disagreement among the members of the committee had reached a level of dissension." The use of the word dissension implies that something negative or conflicting is happening among the committee members. From this clue, we can infer that dissension means a strong disagreement or conflict.

Based on this information, the type of context clue used is known as a synonym or restatement clue. It provides a synonymous word (disagreement) that can be used to understand the meaning of the unknown word (dissension). By associating these two words, readers can decipher the meaning of dissension within the given context.

The context clue for the word "dissension" is unclear from the given information. However, if the clue provides information about the word's meaning or definition, it could be classified as a definition context clue. If the clue offers examples or comparisons to help understand the word, it could be considered an example/illustration context clue. Without more context, it is difficult to determine the exact type of context clue being used.