Which of the following TWO answer choices are ways Justinian united the Byzantine Empire?(4 points) Responses Reduced taxes to gain popularity with citizens Reduced taxes to gain popularity with citizens Adoption of a uniform legal code for the Empire Adoption of a uniform legal code for the Empire Shared power with provincial governors and an elected council Shared power with provincial governors and an elected council Instituting a large bureaucracy to administer commands and regulations Instituting a large bureaucracy to administer commands and regulations

Adoption of a uniform legal code for the Empire and instituting a large bureaucracy to administer commands and regulations are ways Justinian united the Byzantine Empire.

The correct answer choices are:

1. Adoption of a uniform legal code for the Empire
2. Instituting a large bureaucracy to administer commands and regulations

To determine the correct answers, we can look at each option and see if it aligns with Justinian's efforts to unite the Byzantine Empire.

1. "Reduced taxes to gain popularity with citizens": This option is not one of the ways Justinian united the Byzantine Empire, so it can be eliminated.

2. "Adoption of a uniform legal code for the Empire": This option refers to Justinian's most significant achievement, which was the creation of a comprehensive legal code known as the Justinian Code. By implementing a uniform legal system throughout the empire, Justinian aimed to standardize laws and regulations, thus fostering unity among the Byzantine territories.

3. "Shared power with provincial governors and an elected council": This option is not one of the ways Justinian united the Byzantine Empire, so it can be eliminated.

4. "Instituting a large bureaucracy to administer commands and regulations": This option is accurate because Justinian established an extensive bureaucracy to effectively manage and enforce his policies across the empire. This administrative structure helped maintain control and ensure consistency throughout the Byzantine Empire.

By considering these explanations and examining each option, we can determine that the correct answer choices are:

1. Adoption of a uniform legal code for the Empire
2. Instituting a large bureaucracy to administer commands and regulations

The two answer choices that describe ways Justinian united the Byzantine Empire are:

1. Adoption of a uniform legal code for the Empire: Justinian introduced the Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law) which consisted of codified Roman laws. This helped to standardize legal practices throughout the empire.

2. Instituting a large bureaucracy to administer commands and regulations: Justinian established a complex administrative system with various departments and officials to govern the empire efficiently. This bureaucracy helped in carrying out and enforcing imperial policies and regulations.