Interact act in such a way as to have an effect on another interstellar situated among stars, interpret explain the meaning of which of the following is the meaning of the prefix enter is it law out or between

The meaning of the prefix "inter-" is "between" or "among." It indicates the idea of interaction, connection, or relationship between multiple things or individuals. In the context of your question, "interstellar" refers to something situated or existing between or among stars.

To determine the meaning of the prefix "inter-" in the word "interstellar," we can break down the word and examine its parts.

The word "stellar" refers to stars, so "interstellar" refers to something that occurs or is situated between stars. In this context, the prefix "inter-" means "between."

When analyzing word prefixes, it can be helpful to refer to a dictionary or study sources that provide definitions for common prefixes. These resources can give you more specific information about the meaning and usage of different prefixes and how they modify the base words.

The prefix "inter-" generally means "between" or "among." In the context of your question, it refers to something that exists or occurs among interstellar spaces or is situated between stars. So, the meaning of the prefix "inter-" in this context is "between" or "among."