Which country tried to help the Patriots recapture Savannah

A. Spain
B. England
C. Canada
D. France

D. France

To determine which country tried to help the Patriots recapture Savannah, let's analyze the options:

A. Spain: Spain was a known ally of the Patriots during the American Revolutionary War, but it did not directly aid in the recapture of Savannah.

B. England: England was the colonial power against which the Patriots fought, so it is unlikely that they would have tried to help in recapturing Savannah.

C. Canada: Canada, at that time, was a British territory and thus would not have supported the Patriots in recapturing Savannah.

D. France: France provided significant support to the Patriots during the American Revolutionary War. As part of their assistance, they sent a fleet and troops to aid in recapturing Savannah. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is D. France.

In summary, the country that tried to help the Patriots recapture Savannah during the American Revolutionary War was France.

The correct answer is D. France.